- Drs. Ilse Miggels, Member of the Advisory Board
Registered Family Practitioner | Medical Doctor in The Netherlands, Spain & UK., Specialist in Integrative Medicine; Graduate at The University of Groningen (NL) Medical Doctor, University of Cardiff (UK) General Practitioner. Member of KNMG, AVIG (The Netherlands), Colegio de Medicos Alicante (Spain), GMC (UK); http://linkedin.com/in/ilse-miggels-59a2003a
- Richard van Tilborg, Covince | IT-, NewTech specialist, Speaker, Radiohost | Coding & Development
Entrepreneur, Business Development; Director / Partner innovative technologies at Ordina; Development Next Level Learning system Covince; Radiohost NewBusinessradio; cofounder Machine Learning Netherlands, Board of advise Virtual Reality Netherlands and more; Master degree Computer sciences, bachelor degree Electronics; https://www.linkedin.com/in/richardvantilborg/
- Theodoor Scheepers Ing. : Laboratory specialist clinical chemistry
Entrepreneur; Director Pro Health Medical; https://www.linkedin.com/in/theodoor-scheepers-92737817
- Drs. Angelique Monsieurs, Supporting task in data
Psychologist and Neurofeedback therapist, Graduate of The University of Amsterdam Master Psychology and Cell Care Academy of the Netherlands: Functional Medicine; http://linkedin.com/in/angelique-monsieurs-a585a5b
- Marcha Vlasma, Research and Validation Assistance
Entrepreneur and Foreign Real Estate Consultant; Studied Agriculture & Horticulture at Wageningen University; http://linkedin.com/in/marcha-vlasma-36845512a