The Next Level of Neurofeedback Therapy

Take burnout seriously

Take Burnout Seriously

The time has come for a change


Healing touch of Neurofeedback therapy

Learn to control your brain waves


The Next Level in treating Burnout

Multi-disciplinary platform


Why we do this:

Impact on society & figures

What could be the reason that we, a group of technological and medical specialists, scientists and therapists, decide to develop a smart and innovative solution for burnout? We will explain you here:

Burnout causes a huge financial risk for business and society.


In The Netherlands in 2015 the financial damage for business was €6,9/billion (124.000 employees were unfit to work).

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75% will recover in average 118 days.

25% won’t be able to work after 2 years.

In the 80’s it was 50+

In the 90’s it was 40+ Now they are 30 years or younger

What we do:

Briandoc@Home develops a deep tech innovation for burnout, which gives patients with burnout access to a smart solution.

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Our Awesome Team

Let us introduce ourself!

Lynnette de Weijer

Founder & CEO

Entrepreneur and founder of, Financial expertise on Asset Management. Holds IP for her concepts, Burn-out specialist, ADHD/ADD, improvement of sport-results.

Rimon Akachhit

Co-founder & CTO

Entrepreneur. Sr. End User Computing Technical Lead Engineer. Graduate of The Hague University of Applied Sciences.

Henk J.A.N. de Weijer

Creative Director

Entrepreneur, Business Development, Coding, Food & Supplements, Neurotherapy, Topsporter (Hockey Goalie HCKZ).

Advisory board

Team of specialist advisors making the Braindoc Method available to all patiënts with burn-out.

Latest News

Let’s see what’s been going on.

We are pleased to announce, that Research & Development activities of, are now supported by the Province of South-Holland of The Netherlands. If you want to follow our activities, please leave you name and email address on our contact page for updates.

Innovatieve oplossing voor burnout

Ken je iemand in je omgeving die burn-out heeft of heeft gehad, of ben je zelf ervaringsdeskundige? Dan willen wij graag met je in contact komen.
Een consortium van therapeuten en medisch en technologisch specialisten ontwikkelt een nieuwe en slimme oplossing voor burn-out. Deze innovatieve oplossing geeft een duurzaam en sneller resultaat.

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mei 24, 2018 0

A smart solution for burnout

We need your help.
Are you struck with burnout, or anyone in your area? We would like to get in touch with you.
A consortium of therapists and medical & thechnological specialists, is developing a smart solution for burnout.

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mei 23, 2018 0

A smart solution for burnout

Introduction is a consortium of medical and technical specialists and therapists, developing a new and smart solution for burnout, with beter results. This solution will be accessible for a[…] Read more

mei 22, 2018 0

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Do you have a question, an improvement or just want to say hi? Feel free to send us an email!